The Doctor travels around with various ‘companions,’ typically everyday average folks that you or I can relate to and from whose perspective we can understand the strange universe of the Doctor. They come and go frequently, but they are almost always from Earth, the Doctor's adopted planet, or descended from humans, with a few notable exceptions. And despite the vast differences in intellect and ability between the Doctor and his companions, he would have had a very short adventuring career indeed if not for their timely intervention on many, many occasions.

For those times when the neither the Doctor or his companions are able to prevent a sticky end, he has a final ace up his sleeve. Time Lords are able to ‘regenerate’ their body when they get mortally injured or too old, saving them but changing their physical appearance and personality each time. This can happen up to twelve times and so far, they have had 10 different actors play the part of the Doctor. The changing faces and personalities revitalize the show and are part of the reason it is the longest running science fiction show in history. And after 43 years and counting, with a worldwide audience, and at least three more Doctors to come, It looks like the show will be around for quite some time.

Click on the Pictures below to find out more about the different incarnations of the Doctor…